Journey to wellness with Helena

“ The only real journey is the one within"

– Rainer Maria Rilka

Our counselling services offer a gentle, mind body approach, enabling new pathways of self discovery and  transformation from what is, to what can be. When you are feeling overwhelmed and running on empty and need MindBody Nourishment, we offer you our Replenishment Menu . It is inspired by the infusion of New Zealand Maori, Pacific and Western techniques, that will restore and re balance you naturally. Our massage work, is more than just a massage, it is renowned for its nurturing, profound relaxation and healing qualities.


Ora Well Shop!

I have had the privilege of working alongside Helena for 3 years. Helena is a practitioner of high calibre, her professional knowledge and experience combined with her natural energy and commitment to her client group has earnt her much respect from colleagues as well as clients.

“Helena is a practitioner of high calibre”

C. Monahan

Book a consultation today