

According to Richard Whelan, Medical Herbalist…
'best made by digesting the herb for ten minutes in water much below the boiling heat, and then
straining' this herb is gentle and soothing to the whole system. Catnip makes a difference to those
who suffer from nervous stomachs and painful tight conditions such as indigestion, griping, or
cramping pains in the soft tissues.

The catnip plant has iridoid glycosides, which is responsible for the soothing effects on humans. Due
to the herb's effect, herbalists have made catnip tea for centuries to treat anxiety. It also contains
potent nervine properties, the reason it’s considered to be highly effective for patients of Parkinson
disease, Alzheimer's disease, and nervousness related anxiety. Drinking catnip tea can help relieve
tension headaches and bring about relaxation. It can also reduce anxiety and stress.


Catnip has been effectively used to remedy restless sleep and irritability in babies and adults for
decades. The sedative nature of this calming herb helps to slow down the body’s natural cycles and
bring about a relaxed state and calm.
While cats seem to go crazy upon sniffing this herb, humans seem to react exactly the opposite.
Drinking a cup of catnip tea before bed can help relax your muscles and reduce tension to help you
enjoy refreshing sleep (2)


Catnip can relieve digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhoea, cramping, flatulence, and
bloating. This herb features calming properties, helping to remove air stuck in the intestines by
speeding up the process of expelling it out of the body. This natural herbal remedy also regulates the
production of bile and gastric juice secretion thereby keeping your digestive system healthy. (3)


The catnip plant has iridoid glycosides, which is responsible for soothing effects on humans. Due to
the herb's effect, herbalists have made catnip tea for centuries to treat anxiety. It also contains
potent nervine properties, the reason it’s considered to be highly effective for patients of Parkinson
disease, Alzheimer's disease, and nervousness related anxiety. Drinking catnip tea can help relieve
tension headaches and bring about relaxation. It can also reduce anxiety and stress.

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